Her Feet Were Burned to a Crisp

Her feet were burned to a crisp as she was rushed to Jackson Hospital Burn Center some 20 years ago.

Born in Jamaica, Delores moved to South Florida and was my friend for years in the late 1990’s. I drove her to church services held in a private home at 59th and Biscayne in Miami.

In 1992, her home was destroyed by Hurricane Andrew. She was divorced, alone, and had to support her son. She was often unemployed, AND she suffered from diabetes.

With no feeling in her feet due to the diabetes, she had stepped into scalding hot water in her bath tub, sustaining third-degree burns to her feet. 

She was hospitalized for weeks, and many of us wondered whether she would survive. 

She did, and went on to live another five years, mainly in and out of hospitals.

Dolores lived a life filled with suffering—but she did know the Lord.

  She’s now in Heaven, more than likely spending time in the high-rent district, enjoying the fruits of her faith, and looking down on her son Michael, a practicing psychologist.

Whenever you feel you’re at the bottom of the food chain, suffering pointlessly while everyone around you reaps all the comfort and worldly benefits, remember what Jesus said in Mark 10:31:

But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

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