Hijacking and robbery at gunpoint are not uncommon. Lives are in danger while navigating the nearly gridlocked traffic. That’s the reality in Bogotá. I was on the calendar to deliver a talk to event planners. My host picked me up at the airport in a bullet-proof vehicle. For those of means living in Bogotá, these vehicles are moving fortresses. Here at home we have our gated communities, locks, passcodes, safes, and cameras. For the most part, they do just fine. Problems arise when people out-fox these systems, or when the systems fail. Do you feel safe at home, at work, or in traffic? Are you worried that something bad might happen? Are you always living in fear, on guard for the unexpected? In our human world, so-called “security” is far from foolproof. The Bible’s David knew all about it. His thousands of enemies would rather see him dead than walking around alive. David, Psalm 18:1-3 from my enemies. and I have been saved who is worthy of praise, I called to the LORD, my stronghold. of my salvation, my shield and the horn in whom I take refuge, my God is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; The LORD is my rock, I love you, LORD, my strength. We’re obsessed with our own safety. We’re obsessed with the safety of our family, co-workers, and friends. It’s all too easy to come unglued and plunge into worry about those things that might happen—but usually never do. Like the armored vehicles of Bogotá’s wealthy, we cling to the armor we try to erect. But there’s something greater. Our Heavenly Father protects us. He has our backs. He’s our fortress, our strength, our shield, and our stronghold. Unlike man-made security systems, He WILL see us through this life . . . and beyond. |

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