“Billy, be careful. When it starts raining the oil on the road makes it slick as glass.” Dad’s wise voice in my head from around 60 years ago. Picture me on a Sunday, southbound in my Tesla just north of SR112 and I-195. It was 5:45 AM and I was headed to work. (You’re right, I should’ve been in church—but I was needed at Villa Woodbine, my historic venue in Coconut Grove, for an early morning set-up.) Have you ever hydroplaned? The word itself sounds almost elegant—like a sports star finessing a move that aces the winning point. But, let me tell you, there’s nothing fun about it. Sliding sideways at 70 MPH, there was little I could do other than try to steer into the slide. Uh-oh, that didn’t work. What was up next on my agenda to regain control of my car? In a panic, I did what you’re not supposed to do. I HIT THE BRAKES. Ever feel like your life was spinning out of control at 70 MPH? You’ve tried everything, you’re totally helpless and there’s nothing you can do? David, Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk they comfort me. your rod and your staff, for you are with me; I will fear no evil, through the darkest valley, After I hit the brakes, my car went from Phase One of being out of control into “Forget it, Bill.” Being hit by an 18-wheeler as I hydroplaned directly into its path, or something similar, was in my future. But then my shepherd Jesus took the wheel. I spun around, slamming into the jersey wall backwards. My car ended up pointing north in the southbound lane. What was the wreckage? What was the cost to life and limb? Still almost unbelievable to me is that my Tesla was drivable. A road ranger helped me turn it around and head back south. The doc said I had one slightly cracked vertebra, which healed in a few weeks. Listen to this. We spend so much of our lives trying to control things so they’ll go the way we want them to. It can take an eternal moment of being utterly and completely out of control to find out who’s really at the wheel of our lives. And the thing we always seem to forget? It’s up to us to allow God to take the wheel. We can only do this when we remember we’ve got nothing to fear. God is always with us. And He’s the best driver in Creation. |

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