“When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.” Ah, the corny rhetoric of politicians. But it goes much deeper than that, and right on our own turf. Our minds are the Devil’s playground. The Devil loves to flood them with negative thoughts and feelings, creating that swamp we’re always trying to wade through. On the other side of the swamp. . . . What a wonderful feeling to wake up each morning in a GREAT mood, full of positive thoughts, ready to tackle the day without a care in the world. Is this a dream? Is this pie-in-the-sky thinking? My worries mirror yours, and everyone else’s on this planet. Health, money, relationships, work—and even play (when we lose)—can flood that swamp faster than you can say ’GATOR. Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. one being instructed. to listen like wakens my ear morning by morning, He wakens me If you know anything about Isaiah, you’ll know that his lot in life was not easy. He was trying to influence the people of his day to listen to God and not the Devil. Even these days that’s a tough task. Yet Isaiah was so good at it, they named a whole book of the Bible after him and his words. If Isaiah were alive today, he would no doubt corner the market on the bumper sticker: NO GOD NO PEACE KNOW GOD KNOW PEACE. So, how do we stop reading the bumper sticker and actually DO IT? Here’s the real deal about knowing God: Since He gives us 24 hours each and every day, is there any reason we can’t sit alone in His presence for a few minutes—or even an hour? Read. Pray. Ponder His Word. That’s what Isaiah did. Nearly 3,000 years later, it still works. And it’s still a smart way to drain the swamp. Those ’gators will then move on of their own accord, looking for a new swamp to infest. |

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