Who among us has been bitten by an elephant?
What’s your point, Bill?
So glad you asked!
In my business we work with contracts. We agree to deliver an experience for a wedding or event. The client agrees to pay us for that experience.
There’s more to catering than simply the food. The details can be infinite.
Sometimes it’s the little things that get us.
In my business it’s imperative that we focus on each “insect,” lest it morph into an “elephant” at that wedding or event.
God made a contract with us, too, all the way back to the early days of Abram, some 4,000 years ago.
Genesis 17:5-7
No longer will you be called Abram;
your name will be Abraham,
for I have made you a father
of many nations.
I will make you very fruitful;
I will make nations of you,
and kings will come from you. I will establish my covenant
as an everlasting covenant
between me and you
and your descendants after you
for the generations to come,
to be your God
and the God of your
descendants after you.
The wording of this contract is very clear. And the promises are huge.
Has God lived up to His Word?
He certainly has. You can find it on record in His Book—from Abram, to David, to Jesus—and then to Peter, Paul, and all the others who brought the Christian faith out of Israel to the people of Greece, Rome and Spain.
And, ultimately, to the rest of the world.
Human contracts are flawed.
Are we always on time? Do we always fulfill the fine print? Do we sometimes break unfair contracts? Do we ever fail to deliver the little things?
Yes. No. Maybe.
All of the above!
As Easter approaches, you can rejoice that God fulfilled His end of the bargain.
This contract assures us of Eternal Life with Him.
How about you? Are you living up to your end of the deal?
Sometimes it’s your attention on the little things that lets God know you’re in it for the long haul.
Like the insect and the elephant, one “Hello, God” right this minute means more than any slew of longer devotionals that you never get around to.

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